Souryu=Asuka=Langray(Evangelion) author:flap

-Multiplex Space Heroine Museam- Incident report(restrict document)

Incident outline
Souryu=Asuka=Langray(Collection code EV124)is revival in F-gel sealing process(couse is revival timer set mistake)
Awaked and resist process

Collection's move are obstructed by F-gel's viscosity
Stop her move by forced orgasm(A10-Nerve control) in accordance with emergency rule
Continue F-gel harden and complete sealing process.

Life status=Hibernation (It can revive)
Mind status=Infinity loop in 7.82 seconds of orgasm

Future plan
Exhibition in 4th private gallery(orgasm exhibition)
A person in charge Miss R.A are F-gel seal and force orgasm in the same way and exhibit 15years in 8th private gallery(penalty staff exhibition)
With both as well monitor mind conditon and find sign of mind bollapse then fix mind in orgasm morment.

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